Thursday, April 10, 2014

How Much Time Are You Spending On Stocks Investing Related Actitivies?

Stock Investing
Being new to Stocks Investment (so far only accumulated 2 stocks in my portfolio and I am pretty sure it will grow) and a small investor, one of my initial concern is whether I would spend too much time in the Stocks Investing related activities in prolonged period of time?
Don't get me wrong, I am completely fine and in fact think that it is necessary to learn and gain some fundamental knowledge (about investment) prior to actually conducted the first trade, which I religiously done so by reading some investment related books (and one of my favourite is Adam Khoo's Secrets Of Millionaire Investors).
So, what am I talking here? I am referring to the activities like :
a. Reading the market news (online or offline) to keep abreast of the market condition
b. Researching on the financial situation of the identified list of stocks
c. Constantly monitor the movement of the share prices of your stocks etc..
As I have just kicked off my stocks investing journey and hence naturally will take more time at the initial stage. On average, I spent about 2 hours a day in the above mentioned activities and at the edge of addiction towards item (c).
What about you? How much time are you spending (per day) on all these activities?

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