Monday, June 30, 2014

One Investing Tip I Learned From A Little Boy

Little Boy
No, I am not talking about any of the boy from Jack Neo's movie "Ah Boys To Men" or any other boys from my neighbourhood. Today, I met an early 20s peer retail investor and self-proclaimed little boy for lunch (in fact, after meeting him, I can publicly endorsed him to be called Little Boy ;-)) 
We know each others through our blogs and hence I thought it will be fun to share some of the highlights of our meeting in this blog itself. I classified him as one of those active and sunny young chap who are outspoken and friendly type. We shared more on the hobbies, work-related and world cup stuff rather than the investment related thoughts (I guess we are still deemed ourselves as newbies in this department).
So, what is the one investing tip that I've learned from him (through observation)? The answer is DIVERSIFICATION. While he is pursuing his degree at the moment, he is also a part-time badminton trainer and participated in a couple of his peers' business ventures. Even though he did mention that he is still not sure what he is up to for his future but from the exposures that he is gaining, I am pretty sure that his future will be a bright one. Of course, the intention of diversification in investing is to mitigate risks and diversification in life is to expand exposure, they seems contradict each other but the effect is the same i.e. POTENTIALLY BETTER OUTCOME!
This set me thinking where was I when I was in my early 20s? Oh yeah, I think I have already started my 9-to-5 work and focus on my "career" then.


  1. Some are late starters but not necessary late winners. Right?

    1. Oh! That one I definitely agree. I falls within this category anyway ;-)


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