Sunday, June 24, 2018

Weekend Sharing - World Cup And Agile

World Cup 2018
During this fever pitch period aka World Cup 2018, time seems to zoom past faster than usual,  we are already at the 11th day of the tournament and games are getting more and more excited now. In less than 10 minutes time, the game between England and Panama will be kicked off (at 8 PM Singapore Time). What is your prediction? My humble guess is 3-1 (England win). 

Two weeks ago, I've attended a 3-days course on Agile framework (Certified ScrumMaster) in NUS, even though the focus of Scrum (one of the many Agile framework) is more towards software project but the overall principle of Agile is applicable for any other type of projects in many disciplines. After the course, I've took and passed the rather simple online assessment, I am deemed Certified ScrumMaster now :-) Personally, I am quite intrigued by the Agile framework (not specifically Scrum) and will continue to learn more about it. One thought just dawn on me : can we apply Agile framework in our investing? lol

For the past few days, I've been down with flu and cough and was on MC since Thursday. No, it's nothing to do with the World Cup fever, the latest match that I've watched so far is 11 PM match! In fact, a couple of my personal friends and colleagues fall sick too, so, I think weather is the main culprit. 

That's all for now as it's time to watch the World Cup match! 


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